June 11, 2012

Free Weekly Calender Printable

I figured out how to share my document, go me! ('bout time right??? hee hee) Still not quite how I wanted it to look in the post though... working on it.

Here's the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0Aipb9ukxfD2FdDZyWXdLRE54THN5MlpHbDAzSWk4RlE&single=true&gid=0&range=A1%3AE8&output=html

So feel free to print it out and use it to help you stay sane. It only helps though, no guarantees. *wink wink*

June 9, 2012

AHHH, It's Summer

Lets just say we've been pretty busy around here.

In the last month we've had:
- 1 graduation
- 2 birthdays
- ump-teen T-ball games
- I started a new business venture (Thirty One bags are AWESOME)
- School had ended
- Physicals and sick visits each week

And, I know I'm forgetting something....

I haven't even unloaded any pictures off my camera in at least 3 weeks, otherwise I'd have a cute chubby face to share with you.

With all this going on I decided to make up a chart for our weeks this summer. I printed it up on card stock and am going to laminate it so I can use dry erase markers on it. I'm hoping that the whole family can work together each Sunday to plan the week ahead. Hoping.

I did manage to make this block one day:

I wanted to use the 9 patch that's in the middle, and all the rest are scraps or leftover bits from a previous quilt.

I love it. It is about 24 inches square, and I'm planning to make a quilt that will be 3 blocks by 3 blocks. I just don't have any more 9 patches, the one I used was given to me. I'm also not sure if I want all the centers to be 9 patches, I know I want them all to be a small traditional block though.

Either way it feels quite exciting not knowing just what it will turn out looking like!
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