August 12, 2010

Social Media Icons

Yesterday morning, I had no idea what the name for those cute little buttons that are usually all in a row on blogs that link you up to other social networking sites.

Well, they're called social media icons.

And, you can get some really awesome ones for FREE, that's right, free.

I picked my bottle cap ones up at Six Revisions, and I think they rock.

I love bottle caps, especially vintage ones. Once upon a time, I actually collected them.... Then I graduated from high school and went through a purging stage, I am still upset about some of the things I got rid of.

Either way, these babies were too fun for me to pass up. Now, I just need to get an awesome new header...

Here's a place to find more free social media icons.

1 comment:

  1. six revisions always has a nice selection of design goodies ;)

    Lyanna, your readers might be interested to know that we have a large selection of (free!) social media icons available here:



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